Door Fitter Dartford

When you need to employ the service of a door fitter Dartford, ensure that you look out for a skilled door fitter. Take your time to find out and evaluate the precise experience of any door fitter you find. Hiring a door fitter without a vast experience and in-depth knowledge of door fitting can lead to some permanent problems that end up leaving you with a poor door. Normally, new doors come with straight edges. However, most doorframes are either bellied or cupped which make their edges bowed and uneven.
We at Doorsie employ a team of door fitters who are not only professionals but have a wealth of experience. Our professional door fitters will begin your door fitting work by taking the measurement of your doorframe at different positions so as to know if the doorframe is bowed and where it is bowed. After which they will skillfully plane and shape the new door to perfectly fit into the doorframe.
Most handymen and unprofessional door fitters out there do not properly plane and shape the door. This leaves unequal margins between the new door and doorpost and installing a new door is only the best solution to make it fit.
To save yourself all these stress, why don’t you employ the service of Doorsie today, we pride ourselves as one of the professional door fitter Dartford. Contact us today or email to plan a suitable viewing time.

Call: 020 8004 9909
Mobile: 07515 015417
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